Abe Calhoun

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Abraham "Abe" Calhoun
Status Alive
Known As Abraham (given name)

Master Abraham (by Edgar)
"Yemoja" (by The Rare Spawns)

Relatives Unknown
Biographical Information
Gender Male
Age 26 - 30
Birthdate Unknown
Sign Unknown
Martial Status Unknown
Physical Description
Height 6' 10" (208 cm)
Weight Unknown
Eye color Dark Brown
Hair Color Black
Professional Status
Occupation Unknown
Episode 11

"Now, stand back. I don't need you getting hurt by splash damage."

—Abe, Episode 12[1]

Abraham "Abe" Calhoun is the guild leader for The Rare Spawns in World of Warquest and wants his guild members to be dedicated as he is using the threat of losing DKP (Dungeon Kill Points) to ensure discipline is maintained. Although Abe can be strict he is understanding of responsibilities outside of the game and cares about his guild members as if they were family.



"Our guild is like my family."

—Abe, Episode 14[2]

Through Abe's leadership and the efforts put in by the rest of the guild members The Rare Spawns have just become the 3rd highest ranked guild on their World of Warquest server. For Abe the guild is like a second family and in some ways closer than his real family. Also like Dallas and Link, Abe has lost his father, though how is unknown.


Abe is somewhat of a mother-hen figure when it comes to the members of the guild. He is concerned with the health and safety of his guild members and isn't above using the threat of losing DKP as an incentive for them to make good choices.


At just under 7 feet tall and heavily muscled Abe is an intimidating figure. He has short black hair trimmed closer on the sides and back and has dark brown eyes.


Angela O'Neill

A guild member of The Rare Spawns.

Dallas Hudson

A guild member of The Rare Spawns.

Dee Parker

Owner of The Daily Grind coffee shop, frequented by The Rare Spawns before raids for a caffeine fix.


A guild member of The Rare Spawns.

Link Hudson

Employee at The Daily Grind coffee shop.


A guild member of The Rare Spawns.

Sam Young

A guild member of The Rare Spawns.

Vikki Song

A guild members of The Rare Spawns.


  • Abe came in twelfth place in the June 2018 popularity poll[3] with 59 votes.

Concept Art
